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some maintainance
2018-07-04 00:45 von yetzt
the captcha is now replaced and the website should be on full https now. but the old code isn't up to scratch any more, so a complete overhaul is probably in order soon.
fixed maps, submissions working again
2014-10-24 23:06 von yetzt
your patience finally paid off, submissions are working again.
Problems submitting new places
2013-10-12 23:30 von yetzt
At the moment subission of new places seems broken. We are working on it and asking for your patience.
Flattr us.
2010-05-28 12:33 von yetzt
As you may have noticed, you can give us flattrs to support veganguide.org. Thanks for fattring.
Additional domain
2010-04-13 17:04 von yetzt
We've acquired veganguide.de. Thanks to the former owner.